Press Release

November 12, 2022

Hartford, Connecticut


Green Hydrogen and Technology Alliance LOGO

HSB, headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut, is proud to announce our membership with the Clean Energy Holdings Renewable Energy and Technology Alliance Platform (The Alliance). The Alliance has already been joined by Clean Energy Holdings LLC, Bair Energy LLC, Chart Industries Inc., Equix Inc., RockeTruck Inc., Coast 2 Coast Logistics LLC, The Eastman Group, and now HSB. ING Americas is the financial advisor to Clean Energy Holdings, LLC.

Photo of Allen Summerall

Allen Summerall, HSB

As these industry leaders come together with the Alliance, we are collectively well-positioned to accelerate the clean energy transformation with an emphasis on safety, reduced emissions, and renewable energy generation. As the largest Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) accredited by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), HSB’s contribution to the Renewable Energy and Technology Alliance will focus on defining safe plans for this clean energy emerging industry.

Allen Summerall, HSB’s Business Development Leader said, “HSB is honored to join the Alliance with our focus on leading edge inspection test plans and storage and transportation solutions and standards. With Bair Energy and The Alliance, we expect to provide solutions for the industry and lead the safe development of green hydrogen globally. ”

Candice McGuire, Chair of Bair Energy explained, “Bair Energy with HSB and The Alliance are providing Clean Energy Holdings the best in class owner/operator standards, quality assurance and control procedures along with procurement reliability and other solutions and inspection services that HSB offers. Together we are able to provide turnkey inside-battery-limit solutions, while leading energy security for the United States and globally driving energy transformation. Thank you to Allen and the HSB Team. We look forward to executing our many projects together over the coming years.”

Photo of Candice McGuire

Candice McGuire, Bair Energy

This is just the beginning. Stand by for more details in the coming days.

Questions? Email us at

Candice McGuire
Bair Energy, LLC
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